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Posted on 9th Oct, 2016

3 Things To Consider When Renovating Before Selling A House

Selling a house isn’t as easy as it used to be; property prices are nosediving ever since Brexit was announced. But there are a few tricks, that help to sell irrespective of market influences, claim real estate experts. One of these is renovation. But what should you renovate and how much to spend on renovations? And considering the current market conditions, should you renovate at all? Here are three things to consider when renovating a house before sale.

Remodelling the kitchen and bathroom should be a priority

Kitchens and bathrooms are the real deal breakers. Real estate agents always encourage sellers to renovate the bathroom and kitchen to help you fetch a good price. Some of the areas where you can spend money include kitchen counters, cabinets, sinks, etc. Fixtures in bathrooms should be replaced – there can never be anything worse than moving into a house that where taps and door knobs are broken. If the kitchen sink looks outdated, replace it and get a bigger one. This is a DIY job that can be managed on a weekend. A typical bathroom and/or kitchen remodelling will set you back by a few thousand pounds. But the expenses are worth it.

Improve light and space requirements

Home owners have to be able to imagine living in the house before deciding to buy it. De-clutter the house and remove unwanted things. This gives them an idea about managing the house. Open up wall spaces wherever possible to create an open – living environment better suited to today’s lifestyles.

Do not spend to add a room

Don’t even think about adding a theatre, a back deck or other such fancy space. There are some home renovations that will never pay, irrespective of the fact that you have spent thousands on them. But there are some renovations that are essential although you cannot expect to get your money back. For example, replacing windows can be expensive, yet important. But you cannot expect to get your investment back in such cases. Replacing the existing lighting is another example.

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