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With property prices just over half the national average, Doncaster is a hotspot for seasoned investors looking to avoid market volatility. Resilient capital growth and affordability, coupled with numerous pull factors, has made Doncaster a great place for all property investors.
At we look at assets for their investment potential. Whether you are buying Repossessions, Off Plan Developments or undervalued Buy-To-Let schemes (or even wine investment!), the important thing is that you buy at good value and ensure the asset has potential for capital growth.
There is no doubt that if investing in repossessions is something you have considered, Doncaster is a great place to start. The below market value savings that repossessed properties offer on top of comparatively affordable housing stock means that investors really do have complete freedom within Doncaster, enabling to be flexible with their investment strategies.
In recent years there has been a significant amount of attention drawn to Doncaster as a result of the high level of institutional investment pouring into the town. There are numerous projects under construction or close to being given planning consent that will transform Doncaster’s economy. Bolstering all aspects of life in the region with high-paying employment, increased leisure amenities and improving quality of life, but most importantly these projects will have inflationary impacts on the property market, boosting capital growth.
The Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme (FARRRS) is one such infrastructure project that will see massive improvements to transport links in and around the region. This scheme alone will lead to 1,200 new homes, £400 million development of commercial space for new and existing businesses to prosper, reduce travel times and costs for all and boost employment in the region.
Other regeneration and development schemes include the expansion of the Robin Hood Airport, Yorkshire Wildlife Park growth, the construction of an industry leading North Rail College institution and a planned European Tour golf course on a 500 acre site at Rossington Hall on the urban fringe. All these schemes lead to incredibly promising signs for the future economic success of Doncaster, making the town an ever more attractive location for new businesses, and much of the UK’s general population.
With such affordable housing stock within Doncaster, investors have the opportunity to buy with confidence before a forecasted market upturn. With future equity their is a great prospect to add to portfolios in the area, taking advantage of the long-term rental demand with solid yields and minimal void periods. It is estimated that 32% of households in Doncaster are renting and the buy-to-let market is only projected to increase as new tenants are drawn into the area in conjunction with new businesses.
Affordability for tenants is a key component of the property markets success in Doncaster. With average rents just short of £500 pcm according to Zoopla, many families and young professionals wish to live here as it gives them greater financial freedom instead of being stuck in a rental hole.
Along with the incredible infrastructure and leisure projects that are under construction, Doncaster is home to incredible amenities that contribute to a great quality of life. Having all the shopping, leisure and nightlife amenities you would expect, Doncaster’s cultural scene is only getting richer each day.
Due to such high levels of affordability, investors in Doncaster have incredible choice to pick a property that best suits their investment strategy. The centre has lots of traditional terraces and townhouses. Out in the suburbs, you’ll find lots of housing estates, both private and social, with semi-detached and detached houses and bungalows. There are also lots of new-build estates. Plus, Doncaster is also surrounded by pleasant countryside with many small villages which are really popular with commuters.
Across all of these property classes we regularly see repossessed properties come to the market, often reaching up to 30% below market value savings.
Our sourcing team continually uncovers some of Doncaster’s most highly desired repossessed properties, providing our clients with exclusive access incredible below market value property deals. subscribe today to have a look at our regularly updated database of repossessed properties in Doncaster.
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